When traveling to an Italian speaking country, knowing some key phrases in Italian can be very helpful for communication and navigating various situations. Here are 10 essential phrases for travellers:
Hello / Hi - Ciao (chow)
Please - Per favore (pair fah-voh-ray)
Thank you - Grazie (grah-tsee-eh)
Yes - Sì (see)
No - No (noh)
Excuse me / Sorry - Scusate (skoo-zah-teh) or Mi dispiace (mee dee-spee-ah-cheh)
I don't understand - Non capisco (non kah-pee-skoh)
Where is...? - Dov'è...? (doh-veh...?)
How much does this cost? - Quanto costa questo? (kwahn-toh kohs-tah kweh-stoh?)
I would like... - Vorrei... (vor-ray...)
These phrases should be handy for travellers in Italy, whether you're ordering delicious Italian cuisine or asking for directions while exploring the beautiful country. Remember that pronunciation in Italian tends to be clear and precise.