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Grenada’s Underwater Sculpture Park

Grenada’s Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park provides one of the world’s most unique underwater experiences.

Created in 2006 after the devastation wrought by Hurricane Ivan two years previously, the sculpture park was created by British ‘eco-artist’ Jason de Caires Taylor, who wanted to use contemporary sculptures for corals to cling to and regrow.

There are now 75 life-giving works from several artists dotted about the 8,600 square foot site.

Dive down into these crystal clear waters to take in some wondrous sights – from giant faces emerging from the sand to a tribute to lost fishermen and divers. What's more, exploring this underwater paradise will provide you with some of the most amazing snorkelling opportunities around!

You can swim amongst curious fish, graceful sea turtles and even dolphins as they playfully circle the sculptures – all against a backdrop of vibrant corals and other dazzling marine life. Take your time and discover some hidden gems that may not be visible at first glance – you never know what you might find below the waves!

Forged by volcanoes, Grenada is spectacular to look at, but there’s just as much to see beneath the waves, too. Start planning your trip today and dive into this magical playground beneath the surface. Who knows what adventures await you down there?



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